for security 意味

発音を聞く:   for securityの例文
  • 安全保護のため


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. as i said , he was moved for security reasons .
  2. 'can you please confirm your password for security purposes ?
  3. we're here for security and drone maintenance .
    地球の維持とドローンの 補修の為に ここに居る
  4. he wouldn't let me tell you for security reasons .
    警備の理由で 話ができなかった
  5. to make the necessary arrangements for security


        as security:    安全措置として、抵当として The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord a deposit of US$__ only upon the execution of this Tenancy and prior to the occupation of the Demised Premises by the Tenant as security for the du
        in security:    安全に、無事に
        in security for:    ~の保証として、抵当として
        on security:    担保付き
        on security of:    ~を担保にして
        security:    security n. (1) 安全; 安心; 安定, 保障. 【動詞+】 achieve security 安定を得る Such an announcement could compromise security during the Prime Minister's visit. そのような発表をしたら首相の訪問中の安全を危うくしかねない create
        with security:    安心して
        (security) deposit:    (security) deposit 敷金 しききん
        absolute security:    絶対的{ぜったいてき}な安全性{あんぜんせい}
        access security:    アクセス保護{ほご}
        achieve security:    安定を得る
        acquired security:    取得担保物件
        added security:    向上{こうじょう}した[高められた?さらなる]安全性{あんぜんせい}、警備{けいび}の増強{ぞうきょう}、追加警備{ついか けいび}
        additional security:    追加担保{ついか たんぽ}、追加{ついか}セキュリティー
        adequate security:    十分{じゅうぶん}な安全性{あんぜんせい}


  1. "for scientific research purposes" 意味
  2. "for scores of years" 意味
  3. "for screening purposes" 意味
  4. "for seated use" 意味
  5. "for secrecy's sake we usually met in the park" 意味
  6. "for security purposes" 意味
  7. "for security reasons" 意味
  8. "for security reasons we were not allowed past the gate" 意味
  9. "for security reasons, adolf eichmann was placed in a bullet-proof glass cage during his trial" 意味
  10. "for seated use" 意味
  11. "for secrecy's sake we usually met in the park" 意味
  12. "for security purposes" 意味
  13. "for security reasons" 意味

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